(a) Library membership is conferred automatically on all registered students and College staff. External membership is available, please ask at the Library Services Desk for further details.
(b) If requested by a member of the Library staff, users must show their current College identity card (staff and students) or External Library Membership Card (other users) when requested, and when borrowing items for the circulation collection in the Library. It is a breach of Library Regulations to use or attempt to use another persons’ Library card. If users are found using a library card other than their own, the card will be retained by the Library or Security Staff & the user will be asked to leave the Library. The College’s disciplinary procedures may be invoked.
(a) Users must adhere to the rule of silence in the silent study area of the Library.
(b) Users must not cause any disturbance that is likely to distract or inconvenience other users
(c) Users must not reserve reading/study places by leaving their belongings on tables for desks
(d) Smoking and consumption of food or drink is not allowed under any circumstances (apart from drinks in a closed container).
(e) The use of mobile telephones is not allowed in the silent student area under any circumstances. Mobile phones can be used for text if the device is on silent mode.
(f) Library stock and fittings must not be damaged or defaced. Any such loss of any library item(s), must be reported to a member of the Library staff immediately. The user responsible may be required to make good this loss or damage.
These regulations are the minimum consistent with the proper operation of Library services for all members. Users who do not abide by the Library Regulations will be liable to a range of penalties including fines and/or withdrawal of Library services.
(a) No materials may be removed from the Library without prior permission of the Library staff
(b) All items on loan are subject to recall at any time by the Library
(c) Library items may normally be borrowed in accordance with the appropriate procedures. Certain items, however, are either confined permanently to the Library, or are available on a restricted basis
These regulations are the minimum consistent with the proper operation of the Library services for all members. Users who do not abide by the Library Regulations will be liable to a range of penalties including fines and/or withdrawal of Library services.
For people with disabilities, the library will provide services and assistance that permit access to and use of library resources. The Library Services Desk has primary responsibility for assisting users with online catalogue, databases, the internet and other materials in the Library. However, some research questions may require in-depth assistance or users may require personal attention. NCI Users who are registered with the College’s Disability Support Services; Users can schedule an appointment please call: 01 4060590 or, send e-mail to library@ncirl.ie
The Library’s policy is to give all registered students and college staff access to information held by the Library to the greatest extent possible, in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014, and consistent with the public interest and the right to privacy of the individual. Rights under the Data Protection Act, 2018, continue unchanged by the Freedom of Information Act, 2014.
Library Policies & Regulations, which apply to all our users, are in place to enable the safest use of our library, services and collections.