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National College of Ireland


Education, Learning and Teaching Subject Guide: Library Resources


This guide will give you an introduction to finding information on education. You can use it to: 

  • locate books, ebooks and journal articles
  • search relevant databases
  • connect to useful websites
  • reference properly and avoid plagiarism

The books in the library are organised first by number and then alphabetically by author's surname. Each book number corresponds to a subject area. Use the Library Catalogue to search for books from your reading lists and course material. If you need help using the Library Catalogue, take a look at our Finding Books guide.

Remember to consult your reading lists and course material for more detail on your recommended texts. To help you get started the numbers below may be helpful for finding books.

Education, Learning & Teaching Subject Areas:

153.15 Memory and Learning
155 Lifespan Development
155.2 Individual Psychology
301 Sociology
302.2 Communication (Social Interaction)
309.1415 Sociology (Ireland)
320 Political Science
370.1 Education (Theory and Philosophy)
370.711 Education (Practice and Teaching)
370.1523 Education (Learning)
371.102 Teachers and Teaching
371.3 Study /  Instruction Methods
372.21 Early Childhood Education
374 Adult Education

You can also access some relevant material by using the eBooks available through the library. You can access our main ebook databases here.

Recommended Education, Learning, and Teaching eBooks:

Barrett, T. and Moore, S. (eds.) (2010). New approaches to problem-based learning: Revitalising your practice in higher education. VLeBooks.

Harris, K. R., Graham, S., Urdan, T., Graham, S., Royer, J. M. and Zeidner, M. (eds.) (2012) APA educational psychology handbook, vol. 2: Individual differences and cultural and contextual factors. APA PsycBooks.

undefined Dewey, J. (2004). Democracy and education. VLeBooks. Illeris, K. (2007). How we learn: Learning and non-learning in school and beyond. VLeBooks.
Forsyth, D. R. (2016). College teaching: Practical insights from the science of teaching and learning (2nd edn.). APA PsycBooks.*

NCCA (2009) Aistear: The early childhood curriculum framework. Open Access.

Griffin, J. A. , McArdle, P. and Feund, L. S. (eds) (2015). Executive function in preschool-age children: Integrating measurement, neurodevelopment, and translational research. APA PsycBooks.

Savin-Baden, M. and Howell Major, C. (2004). Foundations of problem-based learning. VLeBooks.

                            Harris, K. R., Graham, S., Urdan, T., Bus, A. G., Major, S. and Swanson, H. L. (eds.) (2012) APA educational psychology handbook, vol. 3: Application to learning and teaching. APA PsycBooks.                             Schaefer, C. E. (ed.) (2010). Play therapy for preschool children. APA PsycBooks.

Harris, K. R., Graham, S., Urdan, T., McCormick, C. B., Sinatra, G. M. and Sweller, J. (eds.) (2012) APA educational psychology handbook, vol. 1: Theories, constructs and critical issues. APA PsycBooks.

                            Schwartz, B. M. and Gurrung, R. A. R. (eds) (2012) Evidence-based teaching for higher education. APA PsycBooks.

You can find more eBooks by searching the library catalogue or check out our eBooks page and our eBooks guide for further details.

In order to access journal articles and other online material for your subject area, you can consult the recommended databases that are relevant to your particular subject area individually and are displayed below. For a full list of databases NCI Library subscribes to, go to A-Z Databases on the library webpage.

Recommended Education, Learning & Teaching Databases:

Database & Subject Areas Access Through

Academic Search Complete
Subject Areas: Multi-disciplinary database including Education


A-Z Databases

User Guide

APA PsycArticles
Subject Areas:


A-Z Databases

User Guide

Business Source Ultimate
Subject Areas: Accounting, Business, Economics, Finance, Human Resources, Law, Management, Marketing, Psychology


A-Z Databases

User Guide

Education Source Ultimate
Subject Areas: 


A-Z Databases

User Guide

Emerald Insight
Subject Areas: Multidisciplinary database, Accounting & Finance, Economics, Human Resources, Organisational Behaviour, Management Science & Operations, Marketing, Strategy


A-Z Databases

User Guide
Subject Areas: Education


A-Z Database

User Guide

International Newsstream
Features newspapers, newswires, transcripts, and digital-only news sites in full-text format including over 800 of the world's top news sources and featuring access to the Irish Times, Irish Independent, Irish Examiner etc.


A-Z Databases

User Guide
ProQuest Business Premium Collection
Includes access to the Economist and the Wall Street Journal
Subject Areas: Accounting, Business, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing


A-Z Databases

User Guide

SAGE Journals 
Subject Areas: Economics, Management, Marketing


A-Z Databases

User Guide
SAGE Research Methods

Over 800 books, reference works, journal articles and videos from SAGE’s research methods list.
Subject Areas: writing a research question, conducting a literature review, choosing a research method, collecting and analysing data and writing up findings

A-Z Databases

User Guide


Abstract & citation database of peer-reviewed literature review
Subject Areas: Science, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities


A-Z Databases

User Guide

You can access the journals below through the A-Z eJournals page or through Discovery.

Recommended Education, Learning & Teaching Journals:

Active Learning in Higher Education (Database: SAGE Journals)
Adult Learner (Database: Education Research Complete)
An Leanbh Óg: The OMEP Ireland Journal of Early Childhood Studies 
(Open Access:
British Educational Research Journal (Database: Education Source / Academic Search Complete)
Canadian Journal of Learning & Technology (Database: Education Source)
Early Childhood Education Journal (Database: Education Source / Academic Search Complete)
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (Database: Education Source)
Harvard Business Review (Database: Business Source Ultimate) 
International Journal of Learning: Annual Review (Database: Education Source)
International Review of Research in Open & Distance Learning (Database: Education Source)
Irish Educational Studies (Database: Education Source)
Journal of Adult & Continuing Education (Database: SAGE Journals)
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (Database: Education Source)
Journal of Educational Research (Database: Education Research Complete / Academic Search Complete)
Journal of Teaching & Learning 
(Open Access:
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (Database: Education Source)

In addition to using the college resources, your reading lists also recommend consulting a number of external sites. Below is a selection of some recommended websites.

Recommended Education, Learning & Teaching External Websites:

Aontas - The National Adult Learning Organisation
Citizens Information
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Department of Education and Skills
Economic and Social Research Institute
Education and Training Boards Ireland
Language and Learning Online, Monash University
National Adult Literacy Agency
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
New Media Consortium
Online Learning Consortium
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Psychological Society of Ireland
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Quality and Qualifications Ireland
Síolta, the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education
SOLAS, Further Education and Training Authority
Teaching Council
Using English for Academic Purposes

Need advice for your assignments or research?
The Library Academic Support Centre is here to help!
We offer in-person and online appointments, remote assistance via email and a drop-in service.
For more details about how we can help you, see here.

Isobel Dunne
Keep up to date on any library news and resources by following @NCILibrary on Facebook Twitter Instagram
Communications from the Library: Please note all communications from the library, concerning renewal of books, overdue books and reservations will be sent to your NCI student email account.