The American Psychological Association Databases, available through EBSCO Host, are the world's leading collection of databases of research in psychology and related fields.
APA PsycArticles, provides full-text professional and academic articles from 78 scholarly journals in psychology and related disciplines published by APA, Hogrefe Publishing Group, the Canadian Psychological Association and APA's Educational Publishing Foundation.
APA PsycInfo, with over 3.5 million records covers psychology and its reach through fields like education, neuroscience, business, law, and more.
APA PsycTests, serves as a repository for the full text of psychological tests and measures, as well as a rich source of structured information about the tests. A wide variety of test types are included in the database, including achievement and aptitude tests, intelligence tests, tests of cognitive functioning, occupational tests, personality tests, and so on.
APA PsycBooks, encompasses book content in psychology and related disciplines including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, neuroscience, and physiology, among others. Titles are grouped into collections by copyright year. See the guide to ebooks for more information on this particular resource.
APA PsycExtra, is a gray literature database that provides access to current sources for cutting-edge research and information before or outside of the peer review process. Bibliographic and full-text records are available for document types such as conference papers, grant information, policy statements, consumer brochures, newsletters, pamphlets, popular magazines and more; features over 264,000 records covering psychology and interrelated fields
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Keith Brittle |
Shannon Mallon |
Isobel Dunne |