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National College of Ireland


Databases: SAGE Research Methods

What is SAGE Research Methods?

SAGE Research Methods is a database that focuses on the aspects of doing research along with providing many useful research methods resources. The database includes over 800 ebooks, reference works, journal articles, and videos. SAGE Research Methods covers subject areas such as writing a research question, conducting a literature review, choosing a research method, data collection and data analysis, writing up findings, and more.

How do I log in to SAGE Research Methods?
See our step-by-step guide below on how to log in for the first time:

Check Out These Research Tools

Access the following research tools through the 'Research Tools' menu on the top navigation bar of the homepage of SAGE Research Methods.

Methods Map
Explore different aspects of research methods, find definitions for key terminology, and discover content relevant to your research methods.

Reading Lists
Find lists of key reading materials on research methods and statistics resources.

Project Planner
This tool guides you through your research project by going through each stage. If you have already started your research, you can select the current stage you're at to find information on that stage.

Which Stats Test
It can be difficult to determine which statistical test to use to answer your research question. Use this tool to help you narrow down your options.

SAGE Research Methods provides many useful tools to assist anyone in doing research for a project or a thesis/dissertation. They have developed tools to help you plan your research, collect your data, and assist in the write-up stage by helping you to make sense of your findings. Check out SAGE Research Methods Online Guide for further details on how to navigate the database.

SAGE Research Methods Video Tutorials

SAGE Research Methods' User Guide

SAGE Research Methods has a very well designed and detailed user guide available on their site. For further information on how to use SAGE Research Methods, have a look at their guide here:


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