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National College of Ireland


Mendeley LibGuide: Using Mendeley with MS Word

Generating Citations with MS Word

Note: There is a slight difference with MS Word on Mac as the Cite-O-Matic will appear as its own toolbar, it will also appear under the References tab in Windows as opposed to Add - Ins.

Writing & Citing

Writing & Citing – the citation plug-in allows you to quickly cite materials within the text of a document and quickly insert a bibliography for any sources cited within the text. If you have created several folders, you can click on the down arrow next to My Library and choose one of the folders when inserting your citation. You can also merge citations and suppress the author field.

Editing Citations

Managing your References

Use the following documents as a guide to ensure that individual references are formatted in the correct style.

You should always edit files when they are added to your Mendeley account - your ability to reference accurately is dependent on the accuracy of the information inputted into your Mendeley library.

It is also possible to copy and paste your references from Mendeley Desktop into your text editor.

See this Blog post for more information.

The Citations will be formatted into whatever style you have selected under View > Citation Style.

When you generate a bibliography, you can remove unwanted URLs by opening Mendeley Desktop and clicking View >Citation Style >More Styles, and set Include URLs and Date Accessed in Bibliographies to Only for Webpages - see Mendeley Support for more details.

Choosing a Citation Style

Click View → Citation Styles → More Styles to search for citation styles on Mendeley Desktop.

For Harvard, select 'Cite Them Right 12th edition - Harvard'

For APA, select 'American Psychological Association 7th edition'