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National College of Ireland


Mendeley LibGuide: Adding Files

Drag & Drop Files into Mendeley

Adding files to Mendeley - One way of adding files is to drag and drop pdf files into Mendeley

You should always edit files when they are added to your Mendeley account - your ability to reference accurately is dependent on the accuracy of the information inputted into your Mendeley library.

Add Files By Creating a Watch Folder

You can also add files by creating a "Watch Folder". By choosing a folder to put on watch, when you add a file to the chosen folder in your documents, Mendeley Desktop will automatically add this file to your Mendeley account.

You should always edit files when they are added to your Mendeley account - your ability to reference accurately is dependent on the accuracy of the information inputted into your Mendeley library.

Import References from other Managers

Import your Endnote, Refworks or Zotero library to Mendeley


You can consult this guide for information on moving your references to Mendeley and this note on how to import from other software.

Importing Documents into your Library

Add Files Using the Web Importer

Another way of adding files is to import them using the Web Importer. Once installed you can select the icon at the top of your browser and choose which items you want saved to Mendeley Desktop.

Try different displays if Mendeley isn't recognising the bibliographic information.

You may not be able to save the PDF through this method, however you can return to the document if you save the URL or permalink in Mendeley Desktop.

You should always edit files when they are added to your Mendeley account - your ability to reference accurately is dependent on the accuracy of the information inputted into your Mendeley library.

Adding Files Manually

Add documents by selecting file and add files or folder. Once you have selected the correct record type, you can enter or edit the reference details in the box provided; more information can be found here

You should always edit files when they are added to your Mendeley account - your ability to reference accurately is dependent on the accuracy of the information inputted into your Mendeley library.

Manage your References

Use the following documents to ensure that individual references are formatted in the correct style.

You should always edit files when they are added to your Mendeley account - your ability to reference accurately is dependent on the accuracy of the information inputted into your Mendeley library.



If you use more than one computer, you can ensure your updated files appear in Mendeley by using sync - by doing so, your account updates in the cloud and your files are the exact same when accessed from different devices. 

Adding reference files from individual databases

Adding .ris (research information systems) or .bib (BibTeX) files from individual databases is an alternative to using the web importer. Doing this will mean you do not have the PDF file in your Mendeley Library but you will have the reference.

The file will first download on to your computer and will then have to be added to Mendeley Desktop. The exception to this is Scopus which has a built in Mendeley feature meaning the file will go straight to your web library.

The below list shows how to get these files from each database:





Lecture Notes in Computer Science


Science Direct






Mendeley can remove or merge references in your library. If you do this before you add citations it helps to avoid bibliography problems later.

For a thorough search go to All Documents, then select Tools and Check for Duplicates.