The links below navigate to Webpages that contain the short record of the relevant standard. You can download the full standard from a link on each Webpage:
ISO/IEC 17788:2014 Information Technology - Cloud Computing -Overview and Vocabulary
ISO/IEC 17789:2014 Information Technology - Cloud Computing- Reference Architecture
ISO/IEC 18384 -1:2016 Information Technology - Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture - Part 1: Terminology and Concepts for SOA
ISO/IEC 18384 -2:2016 Information Technology - Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture - Part 2: Reference Architecture for SOA Solutions
ISO/IEC 18384-3:2016 Information Technology - Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture - Part 3: Service Oriented Architecture Ontology
ISO/IEC 19086 -1:2016 Information Technology - Cloud Computing- Service Level Agreement (SLA) Framework - Part 1: Overview and Concepts
ISO/IEC 19086 -2:2018 Information Technology - Cloud Computing- Service Level Agreement (SLA) Framework - Part 2: Metric Model
ISO/IEC 19941:2017 Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Interoperability and Portability
ISO/IEC 19944:2017 Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Cloud Services and Devices - Data Flow, Data Categories and Data Use
ISO/IEC TR 22678:2019 Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Guidance for Policy Development