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National College of Ireland


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Library support  for hybrid & remote working

The library is open for Faculty, Staff & Student access. To support remote or hybrid working we continue to advise  Faculty, Staff & Students to use the Online Library Resources as much as possible. This includes ebooks, databases, academic journals, and more. These resources are available 24/7 and from any location. Library staff is available for online support by email ( and LibChat. Or you can contact the Library Help Centre for one to one support for assignments and research via email ( or through online appointments available to be booked here.

Library Academic Support Centre or LASC

LASC delivers onsite & onilne support for all users including Faculty, Staff & Students.  Faculty can book a class/demonstration please contact either Keith Brittle, Shannon Mallon or Isobel Dunne @

How many books can I borrow? How long can I keep them for?

Faculty/staff may borrow 12 books for 6 weeks from the Main Lending collection. Books may be renewed if they are not requested by another reader.  The library emails staff and faculty in relation to book requests/overdue notices using the college email accounts.  

Database Resources authentication?

All I.T. logins, passwords and authentication information are available from the college IT department, tel. 01 4468671 or IT Support Hub

Accessing the Library Website

Electronic resources, including journals, databases, eBooks etc. may be accessed via the library webpage at .  Please note you will need a login/password in order to navigate these materials.  Network login/passwords can be requested from the college IT department.  In addition we advise faculty to familiarise themselves with the Past Examinations database and NORMA the college institutional repository.

Can I purchase a new textbook/database/journal/case studies for the College from the library?

Generally requests for new books, journal titles, or other materials should be made via the Programme Director and before the programme starts. It is essential that the library has prior notice (i.e. 4 weeks at least) of any materials that are required for use by students and faculty.  If the library does not have sufficient notice, it may not be able to provide the required resources. If you have any queries/requests regarding this, please contact the Librarian (details below).  Please note all books, journal resources etc. must be updated on the module descriptor on Course Builder before they can be ordered by the library; programme directors can assist lecturers with this. 

Can I request case studies and tutor notes (if available) for use with NCI courses?

Yes, the library supplies case studies to faculty and students for use in class. The library requires at least 7 days’ notice for the supply of case studies, which have to be purchased.  The library sources the case studies from the Case Centre, Emerald; WARC: or the Marketing/Research resource. For additional information please click on library's Case Studies Guide.

SAGE Business Cases is designed to engage students in applying core concepts to practice through the use of examples from the global business environment. Offered on SAGE's digital library platform, SAGE Knowledge, these 2,500 cases are integrated with SAGE's journal, book, video, and reference content, allowing for a rich scholarly environment and enhanced discovery.

Topics include Marketing, Operations Management, Small Business & Entrepreneurship, International Business, Human Resource Management, and more.

In order for faculty to access teaching notes you must create a profile and get a verification code from your Librarian: Log in to your profile or create a new profile by clicking "Profile" in the top right corner and following the instructions. Tick the box called "SAGE Business Cases Instructor Access“. A new box will appear called "Verification Code“. Enter your verification code (available from your librarian) and click Save

The Case Centre: Faculty should register with the Case Centre so that they can search and view sample copies of cases before ordering them for use in the classroom.  Faculty can also use these sample case studies for use in their personal research. Cases to be used in class with students must be requested via the library and a ‘clean’ copy of the cases supplied.  Cases may be requested/supplied in paper/electronic formats.

How can I get a personal inspection copy of a textbook?

Faculty should contact publishers directly and request inspection copies from them. Publishers do not generally communicate with libraries in relation to inspection copies.

I would like to get an article/chapter photocopied for a class, or I would like to put a chapter of a book or journal article on Moodle, how do I do this?

The Library does not photocopy journal articles or chapters of books for use by lecturers in class, however, we will find any item(s) that is requested.  Lecturers may, within copyright regulations (see below), scan and put materials on Moodle.

What are the Copyright Regulations?

Generally, lecturers may photocopy or scan 1 chapter or 1 journal article from a book or journal issue.  A print copy of this or access to an electronic copy via Moodle may be distributed to the class(es) you are teaching.  Please note: electronic copies/url links must be taken down from Moodle at the end of each academic year and all of this information must be recorded and sent to the librarian.  For additional information please click on

Further details are available from the library

Can I request a subject search on a topic (for class/personal research)?

Yes, you may request a subject search from the library

How do I find information on a specific subject?

The library has a range of subject guides for NCI courses, these can be located at: . This information is updated on a continuous basis, so faculty should always start their research from here.

Where do I get information on reference/thesis guides?

The Library produces a ‘how to cite’ reference guide and the College primarily uses the Harvard Referencing Method, but also APA for psychology courses. Paper and electronic versions of the guide are available. The library also provides guidelines on thesis submissions. For additional information please use the following guides:

Referencing and Plagiarism

Academic Integrity Starter Guide

Thesis Guide

How can my students get library service as my class/course is running outside of normal academic college calendar?

The Library usually checks to see when Courses are running and operates a Library service, when and where possible.  The Library does offer evening and Saturday opening outside of term time. 

Can I use the computers/photocopiers in the Library?

Computers and Photocopiers are on the 4th & 5th floors of the library in Spencer Dock.  For additional information please click on Printing, Photocopying and Scanning: Guidelines for NCI Faculty and Staff

How do I contact the Library?

The Library, NCI, 4th & 5th Floors, Block R. West, Spencer Dock, IFSC, Dublin 01 N6P6, Ireland. Tel +353 1 4498590 or email:  or - you can talk with Library Staff via LibChat - Online chat platform available via Library Website

How do I contact the Library Staff? Library Telephone Number: 01 4498590

Mary Buckley, Librarian, email:

Tim Lawless, Deputy Librarian, email:

Maeve Byrne, Assistant Librarian, email:

Caoimhe Ní Mhaicín, E-Resources and Licensing Co-Ordinator, email:

Tamara Malone, Virtual Online Support, email

Gráinne Kavanagh, Library Assistant, email

Ciara O'Brien, LIbrary Assistant, email

Justin Carr, Library Assistant, email

Library Academic Support Centre or LASC Staff 

Keith Brittle, Library Academic Support Centre Manager, email:

Shannon Mallon, Library Academic Support Librarian, email

Isobel Dunne, Library Academic Support Centre Assistant, email

Cory Newbigging, Library Academic Support Centre,

How do I contact the Library Help Centre?

The Library Academic Support Librarian delivers classes and offers one-to-one consultations on a number of topics including online resources, referencing and conducting literature reviews. If you would like a class delivered to your students, please contact Keith Brittle. Keith will be contacting you at the beginning of the academic year to provide you with further details on this service. LASC is located on the 5th Floor (Room S5:01) NCI Spencer Dock; Email: /