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National College of Ireland


Academic Integrity Guide: NAIN


NAIN is the National Academic Integrity Network and was established by Quality and Qualifications Ireland on 14th November 2019 (at the inaugural meeting of the Academic Integrity Project) as a response to the introduction of amended legislation as set out in the QQI Amended Act, 2019.  The amended Act provides a statutory basis for the prosecution of those who facilitate learner cheating, including the advertisement, or publication of advertisements, of these services, by companies such as ‘essay mills’, or by individuals.

The purpose of the Network is to advise, raise awareness and offer guidance on:

  • the current landscape of academic integrity in Ireland
  • current approaches to prevention, detection and penalising of academic misconduct and the roles and responsibilities of identifying the roles and responsibilities of the key stakeholders in addressing this issue: Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), learners and QQI;
  • a strategy for HEIs to engage with enrolled learners as key partners in the embedding of a positive culture of academic integrity within the institution;
  • good practice with regard to
    • fostering an institutional culture of academic integrity;
    • ​preventing and addressing suspected cases of academic misconduct
  • a working methodology and procedures for the reporting and prosecution of instances of cheating within Higher Education Institutions that are offences under the QQI a​mended Act
  • a national communications strategy for all stakeholders with a primary focus on learners
  • definitions of commonly used terms in the field of academic integrity
  • the identification of areas for enhancement to support and grow a culture of academic integrity in HEIs nationally

Source: Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) (2019) National Academic Integrity Network. Available at: [Accessed 26h August 2021].

Find the below video as well as a feedback form for submitting information on essay mills and contract cheating services on QQI's myownwork page. You will also find information on the different resources available to help you at NCI and other institutions in Ireland. 

QQI Publications

QQI Academic Integrity Guide
QQI Academic Integrity Lexicon
QQI E-Proctoring in theory and practice

International Publications

Glossary of terms related to ethics and integrity in education
Academic Integrity in Canada: An Enduring and Essential Challenge
Contract Cheating in Canada Report