Overview of UXLibs IV Conference
19th July 2018
One of the most exhaustive 2.5 day conferences I have ever attended
Very well organised & efficiently run: food/beverages etc were of a very good standard; The ? Building @ Sheffield Hallam University was a very good place to hold the conference; however as some of the rooms used for the conference were from ground to 8th floor, getting around could be challenging; also there was insufficient room to sit for lunch during the 2 days.
The attendees (197 in all) were a diverse group both in terms of work experience & cultural backgrounds. This ensured that the conference was an interesting mix and interaction was challenging. The conference itself was a time for me to pause & reflect on how I could implement UX Research in the NCI Library; It was enlightening to hear that 5 or 6 students can be used to conduct research (I would have been hung up on having to have a percentage of overall student numbers before engaging in research)
It was good to meet with Library Staff from other organisations who are implementing UX & who were more than willing to share their ideas & experiences.
Initiatives/projects: mini ones to start with
Collect & analyse email data from students & see where this leads.
Post-It Notes Boards for student feedback
Other library staff members from NCI to attend UXLib V 2019 (possibly more than 1 to get best benefit from the Conference)
Mary Buckley
Librarian, NCI
Conference 6th & 7th Jun 2018 (pre conference workshop 5th June 2018)
AfterLine Library futures
Creating Transinclusive Library Staff
Should I Stay or Should I go? aka Hochschulbibliothek Lernladnschaft
My Favourite Spot on Campus
Spatial Realism; how cinematic history informs mixed methods research on library space & enhances holistic advocacy
Do You Want To Dance?
Footfall versus Feedback
Inclusive Design all about the extremes U
Library Zoning for dummies
Presentations from sponsars: Proquest & SpringerNature
Safe Spaces, Neutral Spaces? Navigating the library as a researcher of colour